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Where do you start with CM?


So many people/businesses offering courses/programs around Change Management. How do you select the one/s that are right for you?

Are you big on detail or prefer lean?

Does the industry you specialise in have any bearing on what you decide?

What if you specialise in specific technology such as a CRM or CMS?

For me it is about finding the best way to ensure the end users get what they need to move successfully through the change. Given I love technology and how it can help us I look for ways to use tech to help where it has value. Some people are not that tech savvy so how do you bring them on the journey of a tech change? I also have a passion for helping people and have studied in a range of different areas to support this and make me (sometimes force me) to adapt to the audience needs and not simply rely on a set tool or approach.

I’ve looked into a range of profiling tools, studied hypnotherapy and micro expressions (body language), done a range of personal development programs, and still look for ways to improve my understanding of others. This journey will continue for me forever!

So how do you work out what’s right for you? Look at how you operate across all areas of life and see how you approach things, especially when facing a change in your own life. How do you tackle things as you move through the stages? This will give you a great insight into what works best for you and how you’ll make the biggest impact in the change space you are operating in.

Whatever you do, don’t jump at something just because you think it’s what’s needed to get a job, unless it’s the job you really want.

You will never be satisfied trying to be all things to all people. There are plenty of roles out there for everyone. Enjoy the process and the personal growth and embrace what you bring to the table because it is uniquely you. 🙏🏻😊


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